Positively Dippy

This blog is about relationships with food, and I am currently having an affair with Cilantro Pecan Dip from Trader Joe.

O Cilantro Pecan Dip, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

Spread on a tortilla, with turkey and provolone and some roasted red peppers. Oh my goodness, be still my heart.

Coating a floret of broccoli or cauliflower, where it's not so much a question of veggies-and-dip as having an edible utensil with which to spoon up big globs of dip.

On a panini, with any sandwich fillings you want, because here again all the other ingredients are really just an excuse to eat the dip.

Or the best of all. I mix the cilantro dip with some peach salsa and use it as a dressing on a spinach salad, with leftover grilled chicken and some crumbled goat cheese. This is so tasty you could get drunk off the bliss.

1 Comment:

  1. Oh. It's Kristen Again. *sigh* said...
    Sounds like we gots ourselves a JAG going on here!!

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