Food Chemistry at its Finest

I decided to write about weird food combinations in a new post rather than as a comment in what's-her-butt's post, BECAUSE I CAN.

BECAUSE I CAN is reason enough for some of the lamest acts in history.

When I was a kid, one of my favorite meals was spaghetti with cole slaw. Cole slaw at our house consisted of chopped up green cabbage and mayonnaise. I never cared for deli cole slaw or any kind other than CABBAGE and MAYONNAISE. And none of that crappy stuff--it had to be Best Foods mayonnaise (or Hellmann's, as some of you might know it) and LOTS of it. The delicious combination was to mix the cole slaw with the spaghetti, so the mayonnaise and red meat sauce became the color of thousand island dressing. Fucking awesome. I still did that as an adult, until I stopped eating mayonnaise.

Speaking of mayonnaise: when I was little, I used to make mayonnaise sandwiches (a piece of white bread slathered in mayonnaise, folded over and eaten). Yummy. Gross, but yummy.

My dad would eat green bean sandwiches. He'd butter up a piece of white bread, put cold leftover green beans on it, fold it over and shove the entire thing in his mouth and somehow manage to chew it enough to swallow.

Also when I was little, sometimes I'd scoop up some butter on my potato chip. How disgusting is that? Then again, I'd eat Nestlé Quik straight from the can by the spoonful. I was big into baking as a child and once I creamed butter and sugar together just to eat it. Fat and sugar addict, anyone? And I was a runty kid too.

Now I eat things that SOME people think are odd, but I don't. I like tomato and cucumber sandwiches on white bread. I like cheese and pickle sandwiches, specifically, extra sharp cheddar cheese and garlic stackers on rye bread.

As a teenager I got into the habit of heating up in the microwave a flour tortilla with only Taco Bell taco sauce on it. I still do that sometimes now. Oh yeah, I eat it after I heat it up. I don't just let it sit there. What do you think I am--dumb or something? Don't answer that. What is also good is to put some chocolate in there, such as a couple of Hershey's miniature milk chocolate bars. The taco sauce chocolate combination is good. I like my food the way I like my men: spicy, sweet, and weird. Or something.

I am sure there are others, but that's all I can think of now.

pita OUT.


  1. Scott Peterson said...
    Quik straight from the can is so so so fine. I also dug the strawberry variety as a child, which is odd, because I've always hated strawberry stuff. Even strawberries.

    In terms of straight-out gross stuff to eat, my mom used to make me fried bologna sandwiches on white bread, doused with Italian salad dressing.

    So gross. So good.
    hmrpita said...
    I only ever had chocolate Quik. I have never been a fan of strawberry, but now you have me intrigued.

    Actually, that sandwich sounds pretty tasty. Gross, like you say, but tasty.

    My bologna sandwich as a kid was one slice of bologna on white bread (of course) with guess what?

    Yep: Mayonnaise.

    White food is often underrated. And I don't mean food that white people eat, but food that is white.
    Avatrix said...
    As a kid, I loved one particular snack that no one else seemed to like. It was a thick slice of ham covered with cream cheese and rolled up. My mother would often then slice the roll into bite size pieces, the way a roll of sushi is sliced into pieces. Damn it was good, and terrible for me. When served at my four year birthday party, no one else wanted any--more for me!
    hmrpita said...
    I love "more for me!"

    That is the right attitude to have (easy for me to say, since I share it).
    Della T said...
    Okay...the first half of this post made me retch. Mayo (I can't even type the entire word without gagging) grosses me out.

    *covers her mouth and makes the "cat with hairball noise"*

    I however do admit to being a closet strawberry Quick spooner. Mmmmm...the best reason to have kids is so you can have shit like that in the house and when it mysteriously dissapears, you blame them!!

    I might just try the Chocolate Taco Bell quesadilla. Heck. Taco Bell...chocolate...nirvana?

    Another thing I used to eat straight that was intended to be mixed with a liquid was jello powder. Cherry was my very most favorite followed by lime. Yummy and colorful and made your hands and tounge pretty colors for hours. Excellent as long as there weren't too many ants around.

    Oh, and kudos for the brilliant use of "what's-her-butt." May I use that in my next conversation with, well, What's-Her Butt?
    hmrpita said...
    I don't eat mayonnaise anymore. But, man, like meat, I still love it.

    I think it is hilarious that you are not grossed out by taco sauce and chocolate in a flour tortilla.

    OMG I used to eat Jello powder too--Cherry IS the best.

    You certainly may. You should call what's-her-butt what's-her-butt to her face. That'll learn what's-her-butt!
    konamouse said...
    Mix cream cheese & brown sugar, spread on toast.
    Quik in a coffee cup with just a little milk to make a "frosting" (or paste).
    Elbow macaroni & cottage cheese.
    Cream cheese & strawberry preserves (or raspberry) sandwiches (never fond of peanut butter as a kid).
    Hershey syrup straight from the can (they didn't have those nifty plastic squeeze bottles when I was a kid).
    hmrpita said...
    Abominations with cream cheese seem to be a common theme.

    To this day, I make a concoction of cocoa and coffee, with maybe some caramel syrup, and sometimes a little rum, but I don't think it is odd--just tasty.

    Oh yes--Hershey syrup straight from the can (though even better mixed with vanilla ice cream to make ice cream soup).
    The Dancing Kids said...
    hello, it's what's-her-butt here. Just wanted to say that I am laughing at your surprise at tiff's enthusiasm for the taco bell chocolate quesadilla thingamabob. That is RIGHT UP HER ALLEY.

    Ask her husband to tell the horror story of the first time he was at her family's house, and her mother said "Tiff, please make the vegetables". Let's just say it involves a GIANT THWACK of LARD.

    I gotta say... Now I am kind of intrigued by the cream cheese abominations, and am eyeing all the boxes of jello that I have in my pantry...
    Della T said...
    Hey, What's-Her-Butt, get it right!! It was BACON GREASE, not lard. Sheesh! Okay, i admit that i don't know know if there is a difference between the two but "bacon grease" sounds a wee less, uh, gross?

    James has since come around and when hee made pancakes this morning he was frustrated and upset because he couln't find the jar of bacon grease in the fridge to oil up the griddle! :o)
    SH said...
    Ham and cream cheese rolls, I LOOOVE those! Still! In high school a friend's mom served them as party food and I thought those pink and white spirals were just sooo elegant and tasty. Back then it was Buddig ham. At least now I use real ham.

    Raw jello powder=yum. But Tang is even better.

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