The stuff dreams are made of

This was a great food weekend.

Friday night we went to Chosun Galben with Morgan and her brother for Korean BBQ

and soju!

Sasturday was an impromptu trip to doughboys. (Okay, I *may* have manipulated things a bit but I plead the 5th)

I decided to get something different and boy did it ever pay off:

Onion soup with goat cheese salad:

And in all seriousness, the best lemon bar I have EVER had. I do not kid about shit like this.

All brought to us by the fabulous Jennifer! who we loved long before she let us take this picture.

I don't know if she actually legally has the exclamation point after her name, but that's how it looks in my head.


  1. hmrpita said...
    The Korean barbecue looks as nasty as Korean barbecue always looks, which is nasty, in case my point was lost. The rest looks great.

    *end of review*
    Je ne sais pas said...
    I have so enjoyed reading your blog, long before you even posted the one with my pic. I went to the blog about a week after the event and was only slightly disappointed about not seeing my pic. yeah I'm vain, but I admit it. And I'll also admit that I love how you say I allowed you to take the pic., when I think I practically hijacked your camera and forced a shot, but thanks for playin along. Anyway my disappointment was quickly overshadowed by my enchantment with your blogs, notice the plural there. Your ability to capture an audience is not simply in your acting abilities, you are an awesome writer! I even thought about something you said in one of your blogs on a recent trip. I was out to lunch and doing the actress eating thing, drinking my beers, barely tasting my food and exclaiming how good it all was...One last thing on my article size comment. One my return from above trip, I opened my door to my apartment to find a letter from the guy I'm dating with "Jennifer!" on the front. Perhaps I should legalize it! Anyway keep eatin, livin, lovin, and writin. You have a captive audience.
    PS If you ever want to check out my blog, which pales in comparison to yours, it's
    Be well!

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