The microorganisms, they love me

I keep doing this. Why do I do this? I spend money on groceries. I spend ungodly amounts of time in the produce aisle, selecting the most perfect pepper, the ripest tomato, the unblemished cauliflower.

Then I come home and put them in the crisper drawer and leave them there to rot.

I just cleaned out my fridge. Threw away a full baggie of bell peppers I actually took the time to slice up so they'd be ready for salads and fajitas. Orange, red, yellow, and green peppers. Gorgeous! Expensive! All that effort, and then I let them go moldy in the bag. Why?

I also threw out:

• a never-opened container of Trader Joe's roasted red pepper hummus, expiration date March 5th;
• half a carton of lovely grape tomatoes;
• oh, also some grapes;
• a bunch of asparagus;
• a package of bacon the color of asparagus;
• some Swiss cheese, also green;
• half a can of artichoke hearts I meant to put on a salad;
• six beautiful Easter eggs (don't tell the kids); and
• half a package of prosciutto—prosciutto, for God's sake!

I am like the Lady Bountiful of landfills. What is wrong with me? I should just start throwing the money directly into the trash can and cut out the 40 degree middleman.


  1. Oh. It's Kristen Again. *sigh* said...
    auuuuugh i do this all the time. I have thrown out so many yams in the past few months. They get all mushy in the bag. And then as I throw everything out, the cash register in my head just keeps chinging away.

    I would say it's because I can't really *see* the stuff in the crisper drawer, but you know, I keep opening it up to pull out the baby spinach, so that's no excuse.

    ...and I just *know* that the romaine lettuce I bought for caesar salads is going to go bad any moment now. But my caesar salad jag passed long ago...
    Unknown said...
    I seriously do this constantly as well. It's horrible on so many levels.
    Allen Lulu said...
    I do this so often that I am thinking of thinking of learning how to make minestrone soup.
    But, it's the damned artichoke hearts. Nobody wants them more than once in a while and I end up tossing them.
    Hey, speaking of artichoke hearts, anyone know where to get packages of frozen artichoke hearts? I have a recipe that I am dying to make that requires them. I know, I can use canned but I am trying to do this right.
    And I need to have a conversation with appliances. Or myself regarding appliances.
    "Just because you have a brand new, fantastical oven does NOT, repeat, does NOT mean you have to make chocolate chip cookies every g*ddammed night!"

    Oh. It's Kristen Again. *sigh* said...

    that is exactly what you are SUPPOSED to do with a brand new oven..... GRASSHOPPER!

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